martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

english project "centro de alto rendimiento" rugby tournament

lets get started by knowing this sport center in bogota! "centro de alto rendimiento" where a lot of person go and practice different kind of sports. this video will show you a rugby tournament which was done there. At first when i arrived to the place there was a long line of cars waiting for a parking place so i saw that there is a lot of people and most of theme young people who go all weekends and practice the sport they like. From the outside i could see the basketball players in a match most of them tall some with a normal height. Finally we had a parking place and we came down of the car lookibng for theplace where the match was going to be done. I walked all over the place , a very natural and full of lants place , there were also some satues of artists and little shops where you could buy food or drinks. When i arrived to the rugby court the match had already started ( you can see part of the match in the video), unfortunatelly my brother's team didn't win, but i had the opportunity of knowing players and learning more about this sport that is not very popular here in Colombia. From this i learned that sports play an important role in this country and specially this city. so i invite you to go to this place and have an amazing time. By: Manuela Ospina

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